A költségvetési egyensúlyszemlélet kritikája



The tyranny of (Maastricht) numbers (1. part)

The fiscal creature turned against its creators

2019. július 09. - sadani

László Náray, Istvan Zsadanyi:

Published: 02.16. 2015. (Napi Gazdaság printed, online)

 “Ignorance is a necessary condition for many excellent things. The childish joy of seeing what Santa Claus brought for Christmas is a species of joy that must soon be extinguished in each child by the loss of ignorance. When that child grows up, she can transmit that joy to her own children, but she must also recognize a time when it has outlived its value.” (Daniel C.  Dennett)

 Is it a conscious, deliberate decision that governments want to cut budget deficits and public debt proportional to GDP or is it a kind of ignorance? Is there any sense to reach the budgetary equilibrium or is it like a rituality, when we try to make painful sacrifices in order to get some chocolate from Santa Claus?



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